Sunday, January 5, 2014

Winter weekly/daily hair care routine

Good evening everyone!

Today was one of the (few) days that I let myself wash my hair in the shower, and it gave me the idea to share my hair care routine. Firstly, red is a very hard color to keep, and since I can only really afford to get my hair dyed one every other month, keeping it as bright as possible is really important to me. If I washed my hair even every other day or every two days, it would wash out in no time and I would be left with pink hair (and I really don't like it when people comment on my hair being "pink" :c). So instead I use dry shampoo, and wash with water and shampoo/conditioner about once every two weeks.

Yup, you heard me: once every two weeks.

When I say that a lot of times people are rather shocked. And truth be told, it wasn't easy to transition from washing my hair more regularly to stretching it out as long as I possibly could. But it is doable, especially with dry shampoo (for anyone with dyed hair, it soon becomes your best friend).

I also use aloe vera, and it's super great because my hair becomes very dry from the dying and from the weather (and it's always been a bit dry anyway). I rub a little into my scalp and hair every night before going to bed. Here's a good blog post by someone else as to why aloe vera is so great for your hair!

I also use a really nice hair lotion that sits on your hair for five minutes before being washed out,and it works wonders. I can feel the difference immediately! I really like the effect it has on my hair.

Product List:

I have a few other hair products I use from time to time, but this has been my routine more regularly. I also have palm oil, a hair mask, and a protective spray (that I use more in the summer since I'm outside and in the sun more then) that I also use sometimes, but those are all at my dad's house so for now, this is what I have to work with! I'm sure my hair care routine will change eventually, I do like to try out new things now and again.

What's your routine like? Let me know!

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